Welcome to CMS Spirit Spot

At the CMS Spirit Spot, we specialize in providing high-quality school spirit apparel and products. We hope to help you show your school pride with style and comfort. Whether you're a student, parent, or alumni, we have something for everyone. Explore our wide range of products today!

New Items & Designs   

The CMS Spirit Spot is a student run store.  Our career readiness, digital media, and financial literacy students determine product choices, promotions, create the designs, make products, deliver products, and analyze financial and product data.

Exclusive School Spirit Gear

Discover our unique and high-quality school spirit apparel and products. Shop now!

About us

Created by students, the CMS Spirit Spot creates, sells, and distributes student created products. Students use the CMS Spirit Spot to learn real life financial, design, and business skills. This opportunity was made possible by the generous donation and support of the Columbia Community Foundation.